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Endorsement: I'm Carl Tesreau, Monkey Island Fire Chief, and I support Josh Lee for Vinita Mayor.

I'm not sure there's enough room here to explain the reasons why this would be a good move for Vinita but to list a few.

Josh Lee has shown his dedication to the City of Vinita and surrounding communities for years from all levels of emergency services. Josh was a 911 Dispatcher to a police officer, and now for the last seven years as a volunteer firefighter at Vinita FD. He voluntarily runs and leads the Craig County Technical Rescue Task Force and puts a crazy amount of hours in to ensure the members of that task force are highly trained and ready to go for the last 5 years.

Coming from my view as a 20+ year member of Monkey Island Fire Protection District and Chief of MIFD for the last 19 years I could not imagine a better advocate to have leading the town where my family and friends live. He is willing to facilitate change in all aspects of the community and will fight for it at all levels.

If I lived in Vinita, I would DEFINITELY be voting for Josh Lee. I encourage you to make your voice heard on election day and vote for Josh Lee for Mayor of Vinita.

Chief Carl Tesreau

Monkey Island Fire Protection District

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